Urbaner Raum
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I am a micromineral collector and I prefer (if possible) specimens of cabinet size (because I like samples with some matrix).
I am especially looking for minerals from the Eifel area, minerals from the Rhenish Massif, volcanic minerals, minerals from alkaline localities and phosphate pegmatites from all over the world.
Among the latter the most interesting for me are: Vesuvius/Mte. Somma, La Fossa, Azores, Ilimaussaq, Narssarssuk, Mt. Saint Hilaire, Kola, Langesund/Larvik and Hagendorf.
If you have minerals from any of these localities and would like to trade, please contact me. Maybe we can make an exchange.
Basically I am only looking for crystallized minerals, whereby I am very interested in rare crystal forms, twin formations and unusual growth forms. I am also looking for single crystals. I do not like massive specimens of mineral species that can be found forming crystals or slag minerals.
When exchaning, I try to name and describe all mineral species which I can identify on the specimens. In addition I will share the information of how I did the identification (if possible). Please do the same with the specimens you are sending to me. I really appreciate the full locality name as detailed as possible (as found on mindat.org) in a separate list referring to a number on the samples/boxes.
I kindly ask you to wrap a specimen loosely in soft tissue paper before putting it in a box. This will prevent the specimen from damage.
If you send me common mineral species they must be of good quality with undamaged crystals.
Both sides have the right to return the minerals if they do not match the description.
The person initiating the exchange will send the first package.
The last update of my trading list dates on January 2020.